
Love me Brought
Music: Love Me Brought by Geoffrey BurgonPerformed by the Novello Choir. Published by Chester Novello CH78188. Recording used here by kind permission of Music Sales Ltd. Love me Brought was played in Reflections for Advent, December the 12th by the Church of England.

Viola Concerto, Ghosts of the Dance
Philip Dukes and Josephine Knight The first time I met Philip Dukes and Josephine Knight was at Josephine’s wedding. It was a memorable day because everyone was quite joyous with youth and hope.None of us were to know that these two talented and accomplished musicians would in the future, both commission Geoffrey Burgon with these […]

Update: 21st September 2012
It is two years today that Mr Burgon passed away. He is greatly missed by his family, friends, work colleagues and fans.

Update: 20th September 2012
Hello We would like to thank everyone who has expressed interest in the blog about Geoffrey’s extraordinary career as one of Englands best composers of the 20th century. We have been hard at work bringing the blog up to date, and will be posting more regular updates on Geoffrey’s works over the years. Please check […]